sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Against the existense of UFOs


Testimony for Stephend Huges:

The lights called UFOs sighted in unexplained storms. According to astrophysicist Stephend Huges is simply a luminous ball caused by a natural phenomenon and no Martians inside. Astrophysics has released to the scientific community, from the pages of the journal of the Royal Society, a theory that is intended to remove as much light and hasty conclusion of the presence of aliens in our skies. Has your theory on the basis of one of the alleged sightings that have been talking in recent years, a bright green object was seen prowling the mountains of Brisbane in 2006, coinciding with a "shower" of meteors. As published in their study, one of these meteorites may have momentarily triggered an electrical connection between the upper atmosphere and the ground, providing energy for a spark or ball lightning appeared above the mountains, creating a luminous ball.
These fireballs are exceptionally bright meteors are created by space rock fragments larger than sand particles responsible for the shooting stars. But like shooting stars across the sky at high speed, according to the BBC.
At least three of these were three balls that starry night in Brisbane. "If you put together inexplicable atmospheric phenomena, such as the electrical nature with human psychological desire to see something that would explain a lot about the visions of UFOs" says Hughes.
The alarm went after and perjure many witnesses swear to have seen a glowing ball deep green that moved down slope. A farmer came to define even the object, which from its location measured 30 inches, went right over your head.
The scientist, who is a renowned lecturer at Queensland University of Technology, began the study after having been requested to attend a local TV to browse the photos and explain what audience members had captured on their cell phone cameras.
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Testimony that UFOs do not exist for Susan Clancy:

It must be pointed out that psychologists like Susan Clancy, Harvard University, these actions belong to the realm of dreams, fantasy or fraud, but "The abductions do not happen in the real world." Confirms the words of psychologist that none of the alleged abducts failed to provide convincing evidence of what happened, implants have never been found, the body markings are compatible with many other everyday injuries and never has brought an object which to analyze and are published, says Sagan (1997), articles in scientific journals on new materials hitherto unknown.
In the case of so-called abductions, experts have determined that suggestion and the mind are the real culprits of the phenomenon and not those alleged aliens. The issue was discussed in depth by the professor and researcher at Harvard University: Susan Clancy.

After studying for 5 full years every possible aspect of 50 people who claimed to have been abducted by aliens, came to a conclusion from the sciences. None of these 50 people could be classified as insane, or could be said to suffer from some form of mental disorder, however, they all had a clear tendency to fantasy and have beliefs or ideas completely out of the ordinary.

Almost 100% of the participants believed in things like astrology, tarot, aura, crystals therapies, etc.., Also all were given several scientific explanations to answer your questions and yet they noted that the theory of alien abduction was always the most fit.

For Professor Clancy, is a series of events in the brain such as the so-called paralytic dreams and false memories created by the mind (among other things) that together, do not lead to such false belief that the person actually believed to have been kidnapped and manipulated by extraterrestrial beings.

think that the government did testify against the existence of UFOs and stephend Susan Clancy Hughes?

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

My opinion about domestic violence

My opinion about domestic violence is that it is unnecessary. In Uruguay one in 4 women will experience domestic violence, around 24% is psychological violence and 6.2% is sexual violence. In public hospitals were surveyed, 34.4% of respondents said they had experienced domestic violence, 8.2% physical, 29.6% psychological and sexual 8.5%. In private health centers lower percentages: 24.5% admitted suffering domestic violence, physical 5.5%, 21.2% and 5.1% psychological sexual. Of these cases, 8 out of 10 the aggressor is male. Domestic violence, lately presented too. in most cases to the female gender. Many people at some point in their lives experienced domestic violence. Violence can present both physical and verbal.
Domestic violence, lately presented too in most cases to the female gender. Many people at some point in their lives experienced domestic violence. Violence can present both physical and verbal. In my opinion this can slow denouncing. A stroke does not have to be part of your life everyday  an insult not have to be present daily. In Uruguay, currently considered violent citizens take use of an electronic ankle bracelet. The operation of this is the following: the offender is placed the ankle assaulted electronics and mobile carries a kind of which is used for communication with the police. This in turn monitor must year 365 days 24 hours a day. If the offender is closer than permitted to the attacked, immediately get a signal to the police and they are instructed to attack.

they think should be violence?

My Opinion on Healty Habits

In my opinion to be healthy you have to eat healthy. have to eat four meals a day and vary and avoid the fast food. Exercise daily and take a walk is very healthy. Also avoid sedentary and objects such as television and computer. Be healthy is to be happy. Obesity is a chronic disease that can bring health risks, is the fifth leading risk factor for death worldwide. This scientifically proven that people who have a BMI greater than 32 have twice the risk of death. All this can be prevented with good nutrition (proportional valance) and a bit of exercise a day.

you think you're feeding right? underlying your eating habits?

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

About me

My name is Daiana Daguerre. I'm seventeen years old. I go to high school number 3 and  I'm from Las Piedras, Canelones. I was born on 26 th October in 1996. My Favorite color is violet are black. My favorite type of music are j-pop, j-rock and reggaeton . I'm live with my mom Monica, my dad Gustavo, and my two brothers Aaron and Shair. My pets are three dogs Negrito, Loba and Camilo and one cat called Felix.In my free time I'm paint, study are play with my PC. My hair is brown and my eyes are brown. I'm love the animals. I'm more sensitive and more afective. My favorite sport is tennis.

my favorite singers are a set (so to speak) called vocaloid.
I think I like that expressed in the songs that people feel, ordinary people who see society as it really is. This is due to the fact that they really do not exist because they are voice software.
Among all of them my favorites are Rin and Len Kagamine, and my favorite song is "Butterfly in your right shouder" or with its original name "migikata no chou".

rin and len append version

what is the name of my brothers?